Tuesday, December 29, 2009

It is COLD out here

I don’t mean just the weather, even the people are cold. Everything around me is just cold and silent. Probably I feel this because I have just returned back from Bombay. Leave the weather in Bombay (it was warm there), apart from that there is so much happening around you that you just can’t sit idle. People are so busy and chirping continuously about something or the other. There was some kind of energy there (in Bombay) that keep people going. During my last visit I boarded a train at 01:00 a.m. even at that time the damn platform was full of people (won’t say to the full capacity, as there is no limit to the capacity of the local trains there).

Here in Dubai everything is so silent, no honking on the roads, people just keep to themselves and disturb you only if they need you to do something. I know, you must be thinking these are positives and why am I cribbing about them? It is something that I don’t have an answer to. I have an 8 to 5 job during which I can get any amount of my personal work done and no one would question it. I even have a broadband internet access unlike my friends working in India. Work is less and good, but still when I reach my room in the evening I am tired and want to sleep so I could call off one more day.

Is it cold because of lack of acquaintances? As of now I am cold and waiting for a warmer Dubai. I sense it is as close as 31st of Dec when most of my Dubai friends will be back from vacation and we will party. 2009 has been a great year for me; it is just leaving me cold at the end as if it was preparing me for the colder 2010. Bring it on!!! I am not prepared but then neither am I scared. I’ll bounce back even if you knock me out in the 1st round.

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